Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Flirtation walk

Just like in any other places, Philippine Military Academy also offers romantic places where tourists can take pictures with their friends, and special someone. Promising view plus the cold weather of Baguio city add to the 'kilig' sense that may arise during your visit at the PMA; most especially if you're a kaydet girl and you're with your cadet.

One of the beautiful places that you may see at Philippine Military Academy is the Flirtation walk. Cadets use to bring their kaydet girls (Girl friends) at this area and escort them until the end; wanna know why? it's for you to find out. The flirtation walk is also a great place to see the Sto. Tomas mountain where two big satellite disks are mounted. No one can walk thru this road without a cadet/military escort. Sqauadleaders also bring their squadmates to pray here and to express their feelings through shouting.

I remember the rotting days of my plebehood. My squadleaders use to bring me here and let me shout at the top of my lungs, and let the nature hear my gripes. Flirtation walk has a special place in the hearts of every alumnus and cadet of this prestigious institution. Surely, memories made here are truly considered as lifetime treasure.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Pancit Canton

Aside from getting a girl's phone number, cadets are more happy when they see, smell, touch and taste this food. Indeed, food is the window to a man/woman's heart.

I can say that my cadetship would not be completed without this precious food - Pancit Canton. It is everyone's favorite. It is the thing that stops a cadet from doing what they are doing. It is the thing that stops the time in the barracks. It is the comforter of each cadet.

Maybe one of the "most" important thing in cadetship is this precious creation of man - the Lucky me Pancit canton sweet and spicy! Everyone in the academy is going wild and crazy when pancit canton is served in front of them. During the preparation of cooking this great food, the sense of smell of each cadet is enhanced. Cadets enjoy it by mixing corned beef and vinegar (I prefer pinakurat) into their pancit canton meal. In addition, we are not eating it using fork but rather, we are eating it in Filipino way (kamayan). And one thing more, we have this skill to eat all what is served to us; like for example, there are 10 cadets and 30 pieces of pancit canton. Within 10 minutes, everything that is served has already been eaten. :)

Cadets are not that "maarte" when it comes to food. So the next time you think of a food to give to your cadet, just think of this article and jot it down to your basic load. Kidding aside, eating pancit canton breaks the barriers of class distinction. It gives  cadets a time to maximize together with their upperclassmen and their underclassmen. Hence, It is a great time for bonding and team building.

Important Reminders: To those of you who read this, please take note that there is only 1 flavor that we like the most, that is Lucky me Pancit Canton Sweet and Spicy flavor, the orange one. <3 <3 <3 :D

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Dress cap

Cadets are most of the time known as snob and serious people. Many of you don't know that we have traditions here in the academy that might let the butterflies in your tummy fly; especially to girls. 

Dress cap. It is part of our uniform which gives us protection against the burning heat of the sun. It also protects our eyes from the harmful excess light from the sun. Most importantly is that this cap completes our uniform as a cadet.
So what is the connection of this cap to the girls who visit here in PMA? If you're not a kaydet girl (Girl friend of a cadet), you probably have no idea of what this dress cap means; if you try to wear it. Cadets will not hesitate to give it to you, should you request for it to wear. 

Girls, wearing a cadet's dress cap adds a little challenge on your part; because if you wear it, you need to kiss the cadet who owns that cap.

Well, It's funny, but I think its a cool tradition.

So by the time you visit PMA, be sure to take note of this article.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Alma Mater Song

Every University, College, Academy, School and the likes has their own song which represents their identity as a group of intellectual people. The PMA Alma Mater song is the most revered song in this premier military institution. It has a beautiful history and meaningful lyrics. 

Let's take a look of it's lyrics: 

Oh. Proud and bold you stand
Bright beacon of the land
Let loyal sons proclaim
Thy glorious name
Wherever we may be
O’er land or deep blue sea
We’ll raise a song for thee,
Academy oh hail to thee
At every end of day
We hope and fervent pray
The honor you instill
Doth guide our will
May thy sons ever be
Men of Integrity,
Courage and Loyalty
PMA oh hail to thee
When bells for us are rung
And our last taps is sung
Let generations see
Our country free
Oh lead to righteous way
Those solid ranks of gray
Thy virtues to display
Academy oh hail to thee.

The PMA Alma Mater song is one of the 3 things that a cadet must consider as sacred. Whenever the Alma Mater song is being played, all cadets are expected to stand at attention and must quit moving.

Furthermore, cadets are prohibited to yawn, move, and look around. These gestures show the highest respect of a cadet to his alma mater - The Philippine Military Academy.

In addition, PMA Alma Mater song should be played with live music or band. Usually, during testimonial parades, A cadet is tasked to play the Alma Mater song using a guitar; sometimes it is done by the PMA band.

Written and arranged by the members of PMA class of 1940, the PMA Alma Mater song has been getting the highest respect of the cadets and alumni of this prestigious institution. From the first and last note of the song, alumni together with the cadets are at attention; coming together as 1 family bonded by the same Honor code as soldiers of excellence, chivalry, dignity, and humility.

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Full Dress

As you visit the Philippine Military Academy, you will observe that everyday we wear different kinds of uniform. Well, it's true. We have many uniforms, and preparing these uniforms is not a joke. It takes time, discipline, and strength just to prepare a set of uniform which I will be discussing on my future blog.

Going back to the topic, maybe one of the nicest uniform of a cadet is the Full dress. Full dress is a formal uniform used by cadets during special occasions, such as hop, parades, and mostly during religious services. 

Full dress might be the nicest uniform in the academy, but it is a difficult uniform to prepare. In preparing this uniform, you must have high RESPECT on it.

The full dress is one of the 3 things that a cadet must consider as sacred. A cadet must wear his full dress with pride and honor. He/she is not allowed to smile while taking pictures, not allowed to stand in one leg, even giving a hug or a kiss to his/her family and friends is not allowed.

High respect shall be rendered to this uniform. It is not 'just' a uniform, because this uniform symbolizes the hardship of a cadet in training. It symbolizes discipline and honor that each cadet possesses. Full dress, for alumni, is a uniform of Courage, Integrity, and Loyalty.

The Borromeo Field

If you happen to visit the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) for sight seeing, and looking for nice and beautiful views, don't forget to drop by the Borromeo field.

Well, here in PMA, we have a lot of structures and places that are meaningful for us - cadets. These structures and places play an important role to our cadetship. It is part of our identity as cadets of this premier military institution.

In PMA we have sacred things and places that we value the most; of course not excluding our unique Honor code.

The Borromeo field is one of the 3 things that cadets must consider as sacred. When a cadet is in the Borromeo field, he/she is not allowed to take off his/her dress cap, eat, urinate, stand in one leg, vomit, spit, etc.

Furthermore, Civilians are not allowed to step on its very ground. So if you are planning to visit PMA and see the Borromeo field, and try to walk on it; do not be surprised if a cadet runs towards you or the Military Police blows his whistle for warning.

Moreover, important events such as graduation, parades, alumni home coming, silent drill performance and the likes are done in this revered ground. The president of the Republic of the Philippine has also had a walk here to inspect the troops during parades.

Anyways,I think everything you need to know about Borromeo field is already written here. Believe me PMA is a very interesting place to visit. It is where you start appreciating the value of our Filipino soldiery. The Borromeo field will always be in the heart of PMA's alumni and cadets. It is where it started. It is where we surrendered everything for the sake of our country's freedom that the future generation shall enjoy.